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Get the Best Deal on Books

I know I am biased and all, but Usborne Books & More really does have some FAN.TAS.TIC opportunities to stock up on books! Today I'm here to take a minute to break down the options for grabbing the best deal on books!

Join Group: Are you in Buck & Chuck’s awesome literacy group yet? It’s basically where I drop the fun activities we’re doing in homeschool and peeking inside aaalll the Usborne Books. It’s also where you’ll get exclusive access to special deals and giveaways. You can hop in here

Host a Party: Fun get together with friends + free books. What’s not to love? At our online parties, your job is to invite your friends and spread your book-lovin' enthusiasm. I do the rest! My average hostess earns over $200 in free and half-priced books! Contact me via Facebook or Text (847-595-1858) to ask about hosting! 

Bulk Stock Up: This is my favorite deal for moms who want to really bulk up their library quickly! I use this deal myself every year when I’m ready to buy my books for the next Cycle in Classical Conversations.

When you spend $375, I get to give you 33% off and FREE shipping (another 8% off).  It sounds too good to be true, but I assure you IT’S THE REAL DEAL. The order must be placed through me (not on  the site) so shoot me a text or message me here to get started on your order! 

Host a Virtual Book Fair: Are you a part of a homeschool co-op, private preschool, or other group that would LOVE to have a book fair for their organization? Virtual book fairs are all online,  catered to your group, and so fun! Host has the choice of offering a stack of FREE books to the organization (preschool classroom, for example) or offering a steep discount to all attendees (great for homeschool moms!). Message me for more information! 

Become a Book Lady In my three years as a book lady, I’ve earned over $5000 in free books and have bought many many more with my awesome discounts! Our library is BEAUTIFUL and I am SO grateful for how it’s molded the reading culture in our home! To learn more about Book Lady Life, visit the website here, or text me so we can chat!