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Cycle One Mommy Reads

This will be my fourth year {officially} homeschooling and with Classical Conversations. And now that I'm past the initial concern that I'll screw up this whole thing, I'm committed to totally enjoy this journey we're so blessed to navigate together. This will be my second time through Cycle One and I'm HERE. FOR. IT. I'm committed to exploring and adventuring through the amazing content in all of...

Get the Best Deal on Books

I know I am biased and all, but Usborne Books & More really does have some FAN.TAS.TIC opportunities to stock up on books! Today I'm here to take a minute to break down the options for grabbing the best deal on books! Join Group: Are you in Buck & Chuck’s awesome literacy group yet? It’s basically where I drop the fun activities we’re doing in homeschool and peeking inside aaalll the...

Five Fantastic Homework Helpers You'll Love!

Back to School is my total, absolute jam. As a teacher, I loved getting all ready for Back to School. As a homeschool mom, I'm even more swoony over the time of year. And having complete access to Usborne Books amplifies the giddy-factor by about a million.  I get asked ALL OF THE TIME for my top recommendations for Back to School and homework helpers. This question is nearly impossible to...

Classical Conversations Cycle 2: Usborne Books

Are you ready to stock up on Classical Conversations Cycle 2 books from Usborne Books & More? Below you'll find handy dandy lists of my absolute favorites, my top picks for each subjects, and VIDEOS to peek inside EVERY TITLE LISTED!! (Don't forget to PIN IT!) I can get your books DISCOUNTED or FREE! MESSAGE ME and ask how! Join our Literacy Group to follow along on our CC...

Cousin Camp: Greek & Roman Gods

This year, we started our official Homeschool adventure. It's a place I thought (and swore) I'd never be, but here I am. Homeschooling my two kiddos. What's better is that my sister-in-law has decided to embark on the same journey. Just another incredible way these four cousins get to do life together! One of the benefits of raising our kids together, and being on a similar homeschool journey, is...

Classical Conversations Cycle One Usborne Book List

100 Things to Know About History A Short History of the World Ancient World Big Picture Book General Knowledge Encyclopedia of the Ancient World First Sticker Book Museums General Knowledge Trivia Illustrated Fables From Around the World Lift-the-Flap General Knowledge Lift-the-Flap Questions & Answers Lift-the-Flap Questions & Answers About Time Museums Activity Book Proverbs...